The Stewart Group has engaged in hundreds of public affairs campaigns, spanning a wide range of issue sets and industries. Our experience and influence among influential leaders is superior. This makes a game-changing difference for our valued clients.
Understanding the process and the players involved in making public policy is key in helping clients achieve their goals. TSG has been engaged in hundreds of policymaking battles at the federal, state, and local levels. We understand how lawmakers and regulators think and how best to strategically map out a plan to win.
Leaders in business, politics, academia, and other professions are often able to break through the clutter to educate a lawmaker or advocate for a policymaking solution. TSG has been engaged in large scale grass tops campaigns for many years. Securing the right voices can make all the difference in winning any issue battle.
Nothing puts momentum behind good policymaking ideas like credible public opinion. TSG knows how to craft a survey questionnaire that will obtain public opinion data that is accurate, trusted, and relevant to the issue battle. This research is a valuable asset to any client who is serious about winning.
A compelling message being amplified by a respected voice in a credible publication is an essential component of bringing the right attention to your issue perspective. TSG’s quality network of key influential opinion leaders and its extensive media contacts help get its clients’ messages out. The right ideas are important. The right ideas being espoused by the right people in the right forum are game changers.
An effective public event can generate positive media coverage while providing a forum for advocates to share valuable perspectives and ideas. TSG is renowned for its expertise in producing flawless events that get results for its clients. These gatherings can be a significant milestone on the road to victory.
Mailing an articulate, well-designed mail piece into targeted households can inform, educate, and activate people into taking action. TSG is experienced in simplifying an issue and conveying a concept to citizens. An effective mailing can generate the mass citizen action required to build the support clients need to achieve their policy goals.
The Stewart Group works closely with the best and brightest of the political and public affairs worlds. This expansive network of influential contacts makes a vital difference for our clients.